Friday, December 17, 2010


Seriously who gets sick in summer?

From what I can gather on the internet the fastest way to recover from the common cold is to:
1) Rest/sleep
2) Drink plently of fluids - water, tea, soup, juice etc.
3) Eat Vitamin C
4) Eat chicken soup
5) Eat ginger
6) Eat ginseng
7) Cut down on sugar (I guess that includes sugars in honey and juice)
8) Take a hot shower/bath (to alleviate symptoms - blocked nose, itchy throat)

Also the primary way in which colds are transmitted is through the nose and eyes, rather than the mouth - so avoid rubbing your nose and eyes.

Anyway here's what I'm working on for my art major work:

So far I'm thinking that:
a) it might actually look ok
b) it might not actually look ok
c) I like lists and multiple choice questions.